Currently when I link something with line breaks, like poetry, the text in the link preview appears all on one line in applications like Discord. Is there a way to make sure link previews show line breaks?
Can you clarify how you are doing this. What do you mean "when I link something with line breaks". Do you mean enter text with line breaks in the Body of a page? If so, are you using Filtered Text and CKEditor (which are the default for Body)? I'm trying to enter text with line breaks in the Body using "Filtered Text" and CKEditor. When I click Preview it shows correctly.
Sorry, I really don't know how you are making Backdrop show a link preview like the one you posted - never done that before. Is this in a textarea field? Or what kind of field?
PHP Openssl is missing perhaps?
I know you've stated that it's there, but if it's having issues loading for any reason, it will fail with updates.
Try doing a phpinfo(); call to check...
It seems that the redirect behavior either was or can be overridden with Rules.
We were able to keep people on the same page by creating a rule that sends them back to the original page...
Ah... I did not know that.
Thank you for the info/explanation. I would really like the ability to be able to generate travel distance in real time, but not if I have to go back to Drupal...
Posted3 days 23 hours ago by ( on:
Hi CurrentBias,
Can you clarify how you are doing this. What do you mean "when I link something with line breaks". Do you mean enter text with line breaks in the Body of a page? If so, are you using Filtered Text and CKEditor (which are the default for Body)? I'm trying to enter text with line breaks in the Body using "Filtered Text" and CKEditor. When I click Preview it shows correctly.
Thanks for the reply! To clarify, I mean the opengraph link preview that appears when a link is posted somewhere like Discord -- here's an example:
The post itself has line breaks, but the preview does not -- I'm wondering how to make the preview display the line breaks as well
Sorry, I really don't know how you are making Backdrop show a link preview like the one you posted - never done that before. Is this in a textarea field? Or what kind of field?
Does it display the same as a link preview in other platforms?
Perhaps it is just discord discarding the markup?