You'll need to provide a lot more information for people to help you. Is this on hosting or local? What steps have you tried to install? Have you unzipped the package? Is your DNS pointing to the right folder? Is your virtual host file correct?
virtualhost *:8080>
documentroot /var/www/backdrop
<Directory /var/www/backdrop>
AllowOverride All
allow from all
Hi willowf, the image library is built by a view, located at the path admin/structure/views/view/image_library. You can add a contextual filter called "File: User who uploaded" to the view, and...
Posted4 hours 20 min ago by Olaf Grabienski (Olafski) on:
* Implements hook_webform_submission_insert().
* Triggered after a webform submission is inserted.
function webform_to_node_webform_submission_insert($node, $submission...
I recently tried to make nodes from webform submissions going through what you tried. I ended up using custom code.
We had a conversation about it on Zulip.
Hi @Newsmalik.
You'll need to provide a lot more information for people to help you. Is this on hosting or local? What steps have you tried to install? Have you unzipped the package? Is your DNS pointing to the right folder? Is your virtual host file correct?
virtualhost *:8080>
documentroot /var/www/backdrop
<Directory /var/www/backdrop>
AllowOverride All
allow from all