I'm almost ready to expose my site to the world now it has been ported from Drupal7 to Backdrop, but I've been checking through it and have noted several "pages" have been assigned an incorrect content type somewhere along the way while it was in Drupals 4 through 7. Is there a way to change the content type for these pages, perhaps by directly editing the relevant database table (as I can't see any other way of doing it). If so which table (I've looked using phpmyadmin but cannot identify the relevant table)?


Accepted answer

Hi @ian

There is a module called Node Convert which will do this for you. You can probably install it, use it and then uninstall and remove.


Hi @ian

There is a module called Node Convert which will do this for you. You can probably install it, use it and then uninstall and remove.

Thanks for the quick reply... I did find, late last night (NZ time), that the node table has a column "type" - I have edited one node to see if anything goes wrong, but it all seems to be OK. I will take a look at the module and see how it might help me avoid editing the database manually.

Thanks for the info of Node Convert!

The information came just in time because in the process of a site development I realized that for already created nodes I need to change their type in order to filter them by view. I was thinking of recreating them after creating a new content type. Fortunately, Node Convert did the job perfectly. Extremely useful tool!

Another module with similar functionality is also very useful in my work, which I recommend to those who do not know about its existence: Content Type Clone.

Thank you very much!