Hi Alejandro - how will I know when it is finished?
BTW - getting many errors in dblog:
Warning: filesize(): stat failed for public://toys/Matchbox/Lesney/Item03032/...
Update. Sorry for the late update, got side-tracked on another project. Decided to do my site updates today and downloaded the 1.30.0 version. I had NO issues (i.e. virus warnings) with the...
Yes you are right integrating phpBB forum is quite easy as compared
... looks like you did not finish this comment...
So you are looking for module to integrate with phpBB.
I can write a module to integrate with CMS
There is an Alpha version of the D7 module here >> https://www.drupal.org/project/phpbbforum
But the real trick is the modification to phpBB; it used to be a MOD ( http://drupalbridge.org/files/phpbbdrupalbridge-3.0.10.zip ) but those have been deprecated. They are now Extensions - https://www.phpbb.com/extensions/ - and would require a recoding..