Feedback about helping translate BackdropCMS into German
I registered for to translate strings into German several weeks ago, but I still haven't heard anything back. How can I get involved translating BackdropCMS?
I believe the main contributor to German so far is @olafgrabienski so you might reach out to him either in Gitter or the backdrop-ops/localization issue queue.
In general we the Backdrop community admit that it can be hard to find the right place/places for asking questions and reaching out. We've made a few pages to help direct people to the right resources:
I would also add that if time zone and schedule permits, there are weekly BackdropCMS development meetings held in Google Hangouts that anyone can drop into and ask questions. It's also a great place to see what is happening at the moment in terms of Backdrop development and a great place to get your question or concern on the agenda.
"Project Meetings: Backdrop has several recurring meetings you should feel free to join or watch at any time. There is a weekly developer meeting Thursdays at 1pm PT and fortnightly design and outreach meetings every other Thursday at 12noon PT."
We usually post the agenda and links to the hang-out in Twitter 30 minutes before each meeting and in Gitter about the time the meeting is starting.
Hey @ M-Schmitt, thanks also from me for your interest in translating Backdrop! As @serundeputy said, I've worked on the German translation. I'm also part of a small team who tries to get the localization server running, so that people can contribute to translations. Unfortunately, the server isn't ready yet, and I had to pause the work for a while, but I'll try to continue soon.
The ordering using titles is unusual because, in alphanumeric characters, "19." is smaller than "2." etc. This has nothing to do with Backdrop.
I'm not sure I understand your question. Why...
Posted1 hour 32 min ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
Thanks for the suggestions !
site/admin/reports/status/php reports that the OpenSSL module is present :
PHP Version 8.3.17
OpenSSL support enabled
OpenSSL Library Version OpenSSL 3.0....
Hello @m-schmitt.
Thanks for you interest in helping with German translation!
You can reach out to folks on Gitter messaging here:
There is an issue queue specific to translation issues as well:
I believe the main contributor to German so far is @olafgrabienski so you might reach out to him either in Gitter or the backdrop-ops/localization issue queue.
In general we the Backdrop community admit that it can be hard to find the right place/places for asking questions and reaching out. We've made a few pages to help direct people to the right resources:
we know these pages could probably be better, but it should give you a start.
I was just drafting a very similar message, but @serundeputy beat me to it. I would emphasize the effectiveness of reaching out via Gitter.
I would also add that if time zone and schedule permits, there are weekly BackdropCMS development meetings held in Google Hangouts that anyone can drop into and ask questions. It's also a great place to see what is happening at the moment in terms of Backdrop development and a great place to get your question or concern on the agenda.
"Project Meetings: Backdrop has several recurring meetings you should feel free to join or watch at any time. There is a weekly developer meeting Thursdays at 1pm PT and fortnightly design and outreach meetings every other Thursday at 12noon PT."
We usually post the agenda and links to the hang-out in Twitter 30 minutes before each meeting and in Gitter about the time the meeting is starting.
Hey @ M-Schmitt, thanks also from me for your interest in translating Backdrop! As @serundeputy said, I've worked on the German translation. I'm also part of a small team who tries to get the localization server running, so that people can contribute to translations. Unfortunately, the server isn't ready yet, and I had to pause the work for a while, but I'll try to continue soon.