I saw a comment on a recent topic in this section that said there is a migration path for webforms from Drupal 7 to BackDrop. I haven't been able to find anything about this. I was hoping to use 'node export' but I don't see that module for Backdrop. Can someone point me in the right direction, please? I'm looking at migrating several CiviCRM systems to Backdrop, and so far the conversion is looking really straightforward. A webform migration would be very helpful. Thanks!
Accepted answer
I think webforms are stored in the database in the same way between D7 and Backdrop; they are stored in the database associated with the node. So if you do an upgrade/conversion to Backdrop then the webforms should be there in your Backdrop site.
Thanks, that's good to know.
What yorkshirepudding said. You don't need to migrate anything. Using your Drupal 7 database, get the latest Backdrop Webform and Backdrop Webform CiviCRM modules and run the upgrade script. It will upgrade both.
What yorkshirepudding said. You don't need to migrate anything. Using your Drupal 7 database, get the latest Backdrop Webform and Backdrop Webform CiviCRM modules and run the upgrade script. It will upgrade both.