"Download of update did not succeed"

  • Kan ikke udpakke temporary://update-cache-cfee9a46/fitvids.zip, ikke et gyldigt arkiv.
    Could not unpack - - - , not a valid archive

Where is the problem?

Every time now I have to download the file and replace the files on the server - very time-consuming (yes, the file is fine - proper archive)

Accepted answer

Very weird - today updates works just fine. I have no idea what changed.


I do not see any problems in the settings. Temp folder is set to 'tmp' - probably when BD was installed

 - and updates have been working fine until about two weeks ago.

Also - there are no log or error messages anywhere else.

I set the path to files/tmp, otherwise problems begin on my hosting.
If it worked before, then there are no other proposals. Maybe the folder permissions have changed?

The 'tmp' folder have 755 permissions - should be OK no?

Is this happening only with fitvids, or any updates?

Any and all updates - and on different sites (on same server though, shared hosting)

I suspect the last version update of BackdropCMS

Ok, let's try a few things:

  1. Go to admin/modules/install and be sure the installation queue is clear (click "Clear queue")
  2. Go to your server's temporary folder and find the folders update-cache-cfee9a46 and update-extraction-cfee9a46 and delete both of them. Don't worry, Backdrop will create them again if they are not found

This will completely clean up things and remove any temporary zip files that may be creating the issue. Then try the update again.

I am on 'install'

On the server - in 'tmp' or any other place - there is no such files. Problem with the 'update' module in BD?

Besides, I have manually updated the module, so there is, for now, nothing to update.

Are you sure you are looking at the right "tmp" folder in the server? If you go to admin/config/media/file-system, what is showing under "Temporary directory"?


Maybe it is some php extension like 'zip' which was disabled - now enabled. Let's see.

Update: No, it was not 'zip'. Still same problem.

Just to see if this is server-based or Backdrop-based I ran an update to another install (domain) on the same server account. Ran just fine.

So: Could it be conflicting modules?

I cannot believe I am the only one having (experienced) this problem.

Very weird - today updates works just fine. I have no idea what changed.