I'm looking for a module that let's me count the number of times a file is downloaded like this below, from your site. I've been through all the modules and, unless I'm reading incorrectly, there doesn't seem to be anything. Any ideas how I accomplish it? 

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Hi Karftynick, welcome to the Backdrop Forum.

I see a few D7 modules like Download Count, File Download Count and others, but it looks like none of them have been ported to Backdrop. You can either try porting it yourself or posting a request in the issue queue at https://github.com/backdrop-ops/contrib/issues

Good luck!


Thank you! I was hoping one had been ported since this site uses it, but I'll pop a request in the issue queue - it's been so long since I coded I don't think I have the confidence now to do it myself lol

I believe the backdropcms.org site uses statistics from GitHub as that is where the releases are hosted. b.org is told about releases, creates the package for GitHub and makes that information available to sites so they know about updates, but as the downloads are from GitHub, b.org doesn't know about how many times they are downloaded.

Ah, that makes sense! Thank you for explaining