I'm migrating a D7 CiviCRM system and in D7 I was using the 'Seven' theme.  In Backdrop I need to remove the sidebar from the theme so that CiviCRM displays full screen, and have got somewhat confused about themes and layouts.    Given a theme that has a sidebar, how do I remove it?  Step by step would really be appreciated as I'm new to Backdrop.  Thanks!


Choose a layout without sidebars /admin/structure/layouts/manage/default/configure

Hi @clarkac.

Welcome to Backdrop.

Seven is a core theme, so you want to start by installing Seventy - https://backdropcms.org/project/seventy which is a subtheme of Seven and will be easy to add any custom styles.

However, in Backdrop, the sidebar will be determined by the layout (see /admin/structure/layouts/list).  What you want to do is to create one or more Layout Overrides for the places you want to see without sidebar. I'm not familiar enough with CiviCRM (but others are, so they can chip in) to know whether there is a specific path or whether you would use visibility rules to determine where to apply this/these layout(s). You can choose a layout template without a sidebar, and then in the manage blocks screen, configure where everything goes.

I hope this helps you get started. Others with more experience of CiviCRM might have more specific tips.

Thanks, that's helpful.  I have noticed that when I do a vanilla install of Backdrop and then CiviCRM, I don't get this sidebar issue at all.  It seems to be caused by going through the migration from D7 to Backdrop.  Which makes me wonder if I can do the D7 migration without touching (i.e. messing up) the Backdrop themes? i.e. switch the D7 site (which is on D7 'Seven' theme) to something different before migration that won't impact the theme I want in Backdrop.  A separate question really...