I'm an experienced site builder with other CMSs, but new to Backdrop. I'm working on building my first Backdrop site and want to import content using Feeds, preferably using JSON. I installed the JSONPath parser (https://github.com/backdrop-contrib/feeds_jsonpath_parser), but when I tried to configure it, I got the error

Failed opening required '/var/www/html/modules/feeds_jsonpath_parser/libraries/jsonpath/src/JSONPath.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php')

After that, the entire site was broken (i.e. going to the homepage gave the same error on an otherwise blank screen). I disabled feeds_jsonpath_parser with bee, which at least got the site back.

Did I miss something obvious in the installation?

I noticed that the JSONPath.php file exists, but the path is modules/feeds_jsonpath_parser/libraries/JSONPath/src/JSONPath.php, not modules/feeds_jsonpath_parser/libraries/jsonpath/src/JSONPath.php (note upper/lowercase). 


Correction: feeds_jsonpath_parser doesn't have a configuration. I guess I was trying to set up a feed when I first saw the error.

In any case, I just edited the module code to change jsonpath to JSONPath, and it seems to be working. I guess this is an issue with the module and I'll need to create an issue on their github...