Hi @dyrer, I've just updated one of my sites from Backdrop 1.29.0 to version 1.29.1, using the built-in update functionality at the page admin/config/system/updates. I was able to update without problems. Can you provide more details about your case?
Thanks, I see! So you're trying the same method as I did. At the moment, I don't have ideas why it should fail on your site. Maybe have a look at the database log (admin/reports/dblog)?
Hi Enthusiast,
This is probably a very good method, but at the moment a bit too complex for me. I might take you up on your offer to explain further in the future.
Thank you!
I did all as you suggested.
I now get the error message:
Requirements problem
Warning message
The staging configuration directory (./...
I guess the task can be solved using the Entity Reference module.
If the main page of the site is built as fields with nodes that are displayed in it by Entity Reference, then each...
Posted4 hours 37 min ago by Antony Milenkov (amilenkov) on:
Adding these [paragraphs with ID] to a standard menu might be tricky.
@yorkshirepudding – There is a related issue report: github.com/backdrop/backdrop-issues/issues/4063...
Posted5 hours 34 min ago by Olaf Grabienski (Olafski) on:
Hi @dyrer, I've just updated one of my sites from Backdrop 1.29.0 to version 1.29.1, using the built-in update functionality at the page
. I was able to update without problems. Can you provide more details about your case?Hello,
I am trying to update using built-in update, same method as previous updates.
Thanks, I see! So you're trying the same method as I did. At the moment, I don't have ideas why it should fail on your site. Maybe have a look at the database log (