We recently tried to update one of our Backdrop CMS CiviCRM sites to PHP 8.x and experienced some major issues that forced us to revert back to PHP 7.4.
It occurs to me that it's not clear to me where the best place to take an issue like this is?
Where should I be engaging with the CiviCRM community?
Where should we be reporting bugs?
I'm asking my colleage right now if he can provide more information on whether or not this error is related to the Backdrop CMS module for CiviCRM or if it's related to CiviCRM itself?
There's this page which lists all the places to find support: https://civicrm.org/help
The page herb linked has all this info, but since the "report a bug" page is ridiculously dense here is the TL;DR of it:
* CiviCRM manages core issues in a self-hosted gitlab: https://lab.civicrm.org/dev/core/-/issues. There are also several other projects that manage their issues there (drupal integration, wordpress integration, major extensions).
* To post a new issue, you'll need an account on civicrm.org (https://civicrm.org/user/register)
The best place to interact and get help from the CiviCRM community is probably currently mattermost, a chat app like Zulip or Slack: https://chat.civicrm.org
The first big question about where the PHP versioning issue may lie is "what version of CiviCRM are you using"? Modern versions are fully compatible even up to PHP 8.3, but if you haven't updated in a while that may not be the case.
Can you give an example of some of the issues you faced?