Hello Everyone,

I am wondering what the feeling is about a website / eZine that features independent (AND sponsored) module reviews for the top CMS systems?  

Does something like this already exist?

To me, in my ignorance, there seems to be a missing nexus between producers of CMS systems, producers of contributed CMS modules, repositories of CMS modules, designers of CMS themes and, finally, consumers of CMS "layered products" who build a property that targets an identified audience.

There's a lot of moving parts in the above paragraph :)

Does anyone know of an organization or resource that ties these things together in service to informing and guiding website owners?

Something like a PC Magazine, but for modules.



I'm not aware of anything.  The Drop Times often does reviews of Drupal modules and there may well be WordPress ones.

There have been discussions about how we do that in Backdrop but there is nothing that I know of.

There is a plan to add the ability to "favourite" modules - https://github.com/backdrop-ops/backdropcms.org/issues/1022 but that is not really about reviews 

Hi Graham...,

I've created a site for tutorials...  https://backdrop-tuts.club/ and resources to help developers... it's still in its infancy.

I do intend to have module reviews with example usages...  

I've also https://backdrop-cms.guide/ but I've not done much with it yet...  
StPaulTim and have a session in the Backdrop Live schedule for creating tutorials and hopefully get others involved with the websites.

I'm happy to give people access to add their resources etc...