I have been working with my new Backdrop site (a freshly upgraded Drupal 7 site) and have been having an issue editing the layouts "Manage Blocks" page
When I click any "add block" item, I only get a short whirlygig, and no pop-up. The "configure" links work.
I checked Permissions and all seems okay.
Help appreciated!
Hi Dan.
Can you check Reports > Recent log messages and see if there are any warnings or errors logged in there?
Also, check the Browser's console right after you click "Add block" to see if there are any Javascript errors reported there.
Also, try try clearing caches, quit your browser and reopen. The link uses Javascript to make an AJAX call to add blocks - sometimes Javascript and AJAX get a bit brittle and clearing caches and browser caches may help.
Hi argiepiano,
I do get the following error message in the logs:
Error: Attempt to modify property "handler" on null in view->init_display() (line 514 of /home4/ceramic2/public_html/cab-bkdrp/core/modules/views/includes/view.inc).
Console checks and browser clearing had no effect.
Thanks. The error is most likely produced by a faulty view. That error may actually be interfering with adding a block, since views can create blocks.
Check each and every view in your site. You may want to open each view to inspect them and re-save them.
I have done as you suggested.
There are three view that I cannot configure or delete (see screenshot)
When I click "disable" on any one of them, I get the following error message:
The requested page "/cab-bkdrp/admin/structure/views/view//disable?token=4IC1FzQXArhevHfryn2sW34wV2dl8g74KhT9591kje8" could not be found.
Hmmm.... those 3 views seem to be provided by a module. You will need to disable modules one by one to see if they go away. You may want to let us know what contrib modules are enabled by going to Reports > Debug information, copying the list and pasting here.
You may also want to go to your
folder and find all files that start withviews.view.
. Find those that look suspicious, or don't follow the patternviews.view.MACHINE_NAME.json
or have an illegal machine name. You can simply remove them from that folder.I have checked the
folder (nothing amiss) and disabled most modules.Here is what is left in the debug info:
Backdrop CMS: 1.29.2
Installation profile: standard
PHP version: 8.1.28
Drupal 7 compatibility: on
Database server: 5.7.23-23
Web server: Apache
jQuery version: 1.12.4
jQuery UI version: 1.14.0
CKEditor 5 version: 42.0.2 Used in formats: Filtered HTML, Full HTML
Default theme: Basis (basis) 1.29.2
Admin theme: Seven* (seven) 1.29.2
*used when editing or creating content
Enabled modules
admin_bar 1.29.2
block 1.29.2
ckeditor5 1.29.2
color 1.29.2
config 1.29.2
contact 1.29.2
dashboard 1.29.2
date 1.29.2
dblog 1.29.2
email 1.29.2
entity 1.29.2
field 1.29.2
field_sql_storage 1.29.2
file 1.29.2
filter 1.29.2
image 1.29.2
installer 1.29.2
language 1.29.2
layout 1.29.2
locale 1.29.2
menu 1.29.2
node 1.29.2
options 1.29.2
path 1.29.2
syslog 1.29.2
system 1.29.2
taxonomy 1.29.2
text 1.29.2
update 1.29.2
user 1.29.2
views 1.29.2
views_ui 1.29.2
addressfield 1.x-1.3.2
antibot 1.x-1.2.1
captcha 1.x-1.7.3
card_recipe 1.x-1.0.1
entity_plus 1.x-1.0.21
entity_token 1.x-2.0.4
entity_ui 1.x-1.0.2
flexslider 1.x-2.0.1
flexslider_fields 1.x-2.0.1
flexslider_views 1.x-2.0.1
fontyourface 1.x-2.8.2
fontyourface_ui 1.x-2.8.2
google_fonts_api 1.x-2.8.2
imce 1.x-1.0.1
libraries 1.x-2.2.3
mailsystem 1.x-3.0.8
masonry_gallery 1.x-1.0.2
nivo_slider 1.x-3.0.1
paragraphs 1.x-1.3.2
rules 1.x-2.14.2
views_slideshow 1.x-3.3.1
views_slideshow_cycle 1.x-3.3.1
Some more hints
I got this message when trying to run updates:
I think taxonomy may have something to do with the problem.
From the log:
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in taxonomy_field_views_data() (line 361 of /home4/ceramic2/public_html/cab-bkdrp/core/modules/taxonomy/views/taxonomy.views.inc).
It seems clear that you have 3 broken views that you need to remove from your config folder. Those views are those 3 node views shown in your picture, that contain a taxonomy reference field that's referencing an inexistent or faulty vocabulary, and possibly have other problems.
Whether or not that's causing the block ajax problem, that's hard to tell. But as a first step you will want to try to find those 3 broken views and remove them from your config folder.
Thanks for continuing to work with me on this.
I have deleted all my custom views.
Below are screenshots of /admin/structure/views
and the confg folder views area. There are no additional views in the config folder as far as I can tell, but would appreciate your trained eye..
The broken views are still there. I see that there are still lots of views in the folder you posted.
Take the views json files one by one out of there (put them outside somewhere so that you can restore them later). Clear caches after taking each out and refresh the Backdrop page that lists all the views, until you see those three broken ones disappear. That's how you'll find which View is broken.
Oh, one more thing. You chave Ubercart installed. So, UC in BAckdrop famously has three broken views when you upgrade from D7.
You can try taking out any views files that start with
until you find the culprits.