Currently running a large D7 site and currently looking at how i can move to either latest Drupal CMS or Backdrop.
I've set up a backdrop cms install on my server and set up was really easy (awesome work on that and the clear documentation ! )
I'm now in the process of testing a number of features/ capabilities.
Even though its a large site, I don't plan to "upgrade" (its an option) - but I've used feeds quite extensively in the past and was expecting that i'll likely need to make some changes anyway (especially as some of the design/structure decisions made 10 years ago have plenty of room for improvement)
Backdrop seems the preferred route based on the investigation so far, but i do have 1 items that I need to figure out and that is paging.
currently in my D7 site, we used the smart_paging module ( and this integrated into the CKeditor.
with backdrop the appears to be almost identical except for the CKeditor integration
for the main article content if use the raw HTML text formatter, the paging module works perfectly fine, and I get a nice paged output.
However if I switch to use the default "basic" (which is using Ckeditor 5) the editor removes the paging tags from the source ( looks to be some "clean up activity when switching between the 2 formatters).
Now ckeditor appears to come with a plugin ( maybe even in its core, I'm not 100% ) to support page breaks ( ), and i'm wondering if i can incorporate the pager button into the CKeditor, so that paging can work?
any ideas would be useful to help me figure this out? thanks
Hi DeltaCanyon,
there's now a (brand new) TinyMCE plugin available: TinyMCE Paging
This won't fix the problem when switching to CKE5 - which behaves "opinionated" re markup - a known problem. But if you're only using TinyMCE, things should work just fine. No hacks or fancy adaptions necessary.