
I am currently trying to migrate a Drupal 7 site to Backdrop.

I am following this guide:

Issue at step 8:
When accessing .../core/update.php, I get stuck in an infinite loop at the "Overview" step. When I click "CONTINUE," the exact same screen with the same "Overview" step reloads. There are no error messages or hints. Even the Apache error logs on the server show nothing.

Where could the problem be?

Server: Debian Linux, Apache, MariaDB, PHP...

Most helpful answers

There has been some talk about this in the Zulip channel and an issue was created:


Looks like there is a solution if you are comfortable testing it out.


@Matt75 it would be great if you're able to test the fix in the issue linked above and chime in on that thread. This seems to have been a regression due to some adjustments in the update.php script to make the new Backup functionality work.

@laryn What's the best way to apply the fix, just download and replace the files?  For small changes, I usually just update the files directly.  Is there a way to generate a patch file?

Thanks for reporting this. We usually create a bugfix release of Backdrop CMS anywhere from 2-4 weeks after a feature release, such as 1.30.0 was, specifically to address any bugs that might have been introduced by the release. 

Keep your eyes open for that, but in the mean time you should now have access to a potential short term fix and we would appreciate your feedback on whether or not this works for you.