The View/Edit tabs that normally appear at the top of any piece of content have disappeared. I am logged in as user/1 and have tried different themes and layouts to no avail.

This is a site upgraded from Drupal 7.

Also the gear icons for editing blocks is missing.

Thanks for any help!


Accepted answer

The View/Edit tabs that normally appear at the top of any piece of content have disappeared.

I'm not sure why you are not seeing the view and edit tabs, but it's worth knowing that Backdrop comes with a block available to manually place these tabs overriding the default. You may be able to get the tabs back with this block. 

If you are new to Backdrop coming from Drupal 7, be sure to spend some time experimenting with and learning about the layout system. It takes some getting used to, but is very powerful once you understand it. 

Also the gear icons for editing blocks is missing.

These are called contextual links. There are permissions for them, so start by making sure that you have permission to use the contextual links. But, you said you are logged in as user/1 so you should have all permissions. 

Maybe search the forum using the term "contextual links" and see if you find any other useful forum posts. I believe I've heard of this before, even experienced it. But, I don't know the answer.


This sounds like a module conflict. I assume you've tried clearing caches. Also, are you sure the upgrade went well, with no errors?

You may want to post here the list of contrib modules in your site. Go to admin/reports/debug and get the list from there.

The upgrade was a bit rocky. This is the same site that I had difficulty with faulty views:

Here is the list of contrib modules:

addressfield                    1.x-1.3.2
antibot                         1.x-1.2.1
captcha                         1.x-1.7.3
card_recipe                     1.x-1.0.1
configurable_block_style        1.x-1.0.6
entity_plus                     1.x-1.0.21
entity_token                    1.x-2.0.4
entity_ui                       1.x-1.0.2
featherlight                    1.x-1.0.4
field_group                     1.x-1.2.2
flexslider                      1.x-2.0.1
flexslider_fields               1.x-2.0.1
flexslider_views                1.x-2.0.1
fontyourface                    1.x-2.8.2
fontyourface_ui                 1.x-2.8.2
google_fonts_api                1.x-2.8.2
imce                            1.x-1.0.1
libraries                       1.x-2.2.3
mailsystem                      1.x-3.0.8
masonry_gallery                 1.x-1.0.2
mimemail                        1.x-1.1.7
nice_menus                      1.x-1.0.0
nivo_slider                     1.x-3.0.1
nodequeue                       1.x-2.3.1
nodequeue_generate              1.x-2.3.1
paragraphs                      1.x-1.3.2
rules                           1.x-2.14.2
rules_admin                     1.x-2.14.2
smartqueue                      1.x-2.3.1
stripe                          1.x-2.1.0
test_gateway                    1.x-3.14.7
ubercart                        1.x-3.14.7
uc_ajax_admin                   1.x-3.14.7
uc_attribute                    1.x-3.14.7
uc_cart_links                   1.x-3.14.7
uc_credit                       1.x-3.14.7
uc_out_of_stock                 1.x-1.1.1
uc_payment                      1.x-3.14.7
uc_reports                      1.x-3.14.7
uc_stock                        1.x-3.14.7
uc_stripe                       1.x-3.3.3
uc_tax_report                   1.x-3.14.7
uc_taxes                        1.x-3.14.7
views_slideshow                 1.x-3.3.1
views_slideshow_cycle           1.x-3.3.1


Hmm... hard to tell. I don't see any module there that modifies the Backdrop routes for node editing etc. 

Can you check if you can still edit notes? For example by going to node/NODE_ID/edit for a node id of one of your contents.

Also, do you have access to the database? Can you check menu_router and look for path node/%/edit and node/%/view, to see if the "tab_parent" and "tab_root" are correctly pointing at node/%?

Check the error log of your site to be sure that are no warnings or errors when you visit the node page or the node edit form.

And, check your browsers console to check for javascript errors.


-I can edit nodes

-I can access the DB but will need help finding the items - not comfortable poking around.

- No errors or warnings in log after visiting pages

-Mozilla console shows:

20:04:35.353 TypeError: e is undefined

Thanks for your help!


The View/Edit tabs that normally appear at the top of any piece of content have disappeared.

I'm not sure why you are not seeing the view and edit tabs, but it's worth knowing that Backdrop comes with a block available to manually place these tabs overriding the default. You may be able to get the tabs back with this block. 

If you are new to Backdrop coming from Drupal 7, be sure to spend some time experimenting with and learning about the layout system. It takes some getting used to, but is very powerful once you understand it. 

Also the gear icons for editing blocks is missing.

These are called contextual links. There are permissions for them, so start by making sure that you have permission to use the contextual links. But, you said you are logged in as user/1 so you should have all permissions. 

Maybe search the forum using the term "contextual links" and see if you find any other useful forum posts. I believe I've heard of this before, even experienced it. But, I don't know the answer.

Both issues solved!

Thank you.

Olafski's picture

Hi danryan, just to be sure, can you check if the tabs aren't hidden in your layout?

  • Go to the page where you miss the tabs.
  • In the Admin bar at top of the page,, hover over the item "This page", and choose the Layout link. You arrive at the "Manage blocks" page.
  • On the "Manage blocks" page, look if there's either a block called "Page tabs (Local tasks)" or one called "Page title combo".
  • Check in the configuration of the respective block if the tabs (and which) are shown.

Glad to see this was resolved, and that the cause was not a bug! Gotta love this community!