When a user submits a webform an email is sent to the user.  In the email section of the webform 'include files as attachments' is checked. The 'default e-mail values' are setup in the webform settings. I have MimeMail installed and have been sending emails with no problems.  So, now I want to add an attachment to the email - which will always be the same attachment.   How do I do that?  

Most helpful answers

There is a dead link at the bottom of that issue to a step by step guide using Rules but here is the page from the Wayback Machine:



This Drupal 7 issue suggests that using Rules would be the way to go, or to create a custom module.

Thanks, the answer looked useful except that there doesn't seem to be a 'Webform Rules' module in Backdrop.  Backdrop 'Rules' therefore doesn't seem  to know about submitting webforms.

PS. I rather carelessly hit the 'Unsubscribe' link in the email re. this question.  How do I re-subscribe?

Webform Rules has been ported but not yet released.

Go to https://github.com/backdrop-contrib/webform_rules

Click on the code button

Right click on Download Zip and copy url

In backdrop, Install modules > Manual installation - paste url


If it works, add an issue to say so and request a release. If there are bugs, please report them.

to re-subscribe, look at the top of the post for this group of buttons:

Click to Follow this conversation

Thanks, that's very helpful. I installed 'Webform Rules' but adding a further condition as per the guide from the wayback link didn't work I've raised an issue with this module.