willowf's picture

Hi, I would like to receive feedbak, I have created a type of content called community, and another called threads, within a community I can create a thread according to filter it with a view, but I have certain limitations, and I would like to know if using the module Organic groups is a good alternative. 

The problem of the threads and the type of content is that I have created a rule to send the author of the community an email, but I had to remove it because it gave me an error with a reference field.



Organic Group is a very comprehensive (and somewhat heavy) solution (disclosure: I'm a maintainer). If what you need is fairly simple (from your description that seems to be the case), what you proposed (content types, and using views and rules) would work well.

Rather than exploring OG I'd try to figure out why rules is giving you troubles. It shouldn't (I also maintain Rules lol). Perhaps post a picture of your rules that's creating problems? And also which errors you are getting? 

@willowf If you have the time and patience for OG I don't think you'll regret it.

willowf's picture

Hi all, I have tested the og module and I have had several problems with node reference fields, other content types, and errors that I have not been able to identify. So I have decided to stick with the initial idea, although the groups module is very powerful and I was liking it.

The error with rules is the following:
I have a content type called Hilo, which includes a reference field to nodes of type Comunidad.

  • A Hilo can be created from the homepage (without referencing any community) or from a Comunidad node (where the reference field is automatically filled).
  • I set up a Rules automation to send an email notification to the author of the referenced Comunidad whenever a new Hilo is created with a reference.

Error Encountered:

When I create a Hilo without filling the reference field (i.e., not associated with any community), I get the following error:

EntityStorageException: Validation failed for: in NodeStorageController->save() (line 506 of /var/www/vhosts/comunidadthreads.com/httpdocs/core/modules/node/node.entity.inc).

If the Hilo has a reference to a Comunidad, it is created successfully, and the notification is sent without issues.

Rules Configuration:

1️⃣ Event:

  • After saving new content → Type: Hilo

2️⃣ Condition:

  • Entity has field → Node: node, Field: field_referencia_comunidad

3️⃣ Actions:

  • Fetch entity by ID → Type: Node, Value: field_referencia_comunidad, Save as: comunidad_nodo
  • Fetch entity by ID → Type: User, Value: comunidad_nodo:author, Save as: autor_comunidad
  • Send email → To: autor_comunidad:mail

Willowf, I'm looking at your rule. The error is probably happening because the field_referencia_comunidad is empty, and you are trying to fetch a node that doesn't exist, since it's empty. So, the solution is to add a condition "Data value is empty" and then the configuration below. This way you won't reach the action if the field is empty ("Entity has field"  will always be true for node type hilo, but you still want to eep it there so that it brings the reference field to scope). Below, just notice that my field name is different from yours.

willowf's picture

Hi, I have been playing with the Groups module and reading the documentation, I have activated it and instead of creating new content types I have used the already created entities, communities for groups and threads for group content.
I like it as it covers the need to manage members, I was managing it with flags for users to say they are in the community, but with groups is more dynamic....
 Any recommendations? Anything I should keep in mind?


Thank you for all your help