Back story - learning Backdrop, coming to grips with it, have only one user who is the admin. Wanted to check site as guest user so I logged out. Now cannot log in - can see entries in Flood table for my user and IP - tried emptying table - still not able to log in. Tried to use to generate new password, thinking I could drop it into place via phpmyadmin - it won't generate new password. After much frustration I dropped the database and imported backup taken early yesterday. This didn't help - still unable to log in and flood is again populated with 4 entries each for my user and IP.
Also tried to use password reset feature but this is not mailing out an email - think this might be realted to the fact user is admin?
Any help for me so I avoid starting from scratch with a new empty install of Backdrop?
Using: Linux on Debian 10 VPS, php-fpm 7.3, Backdrop (version unknown - downloaded 4 weeks ago)
Ok - following the hints above and after reading some pages that were referred to I got into the site again by setting up a second admin user via phpmyadmin. I used the drupal 7 password-hash script to generate a password for that user as I could not get the Backdrop password-hash script to work. This seems to have allowed me to access the site and change the default admin user password.
Still no idea what I did to lock myself out... doh! Onward and Upward...