Taxonomy vocabularies and PHP 8.2 - needs direction / decision.
Core support for PHP 8.2 is on its way. In a previous pull request, we decided to check for property existence in function taxonomy_form_vocabulary_submit() to prevent arbitrary form item values to bloat the object, but it turns out, that's not sufficient and possibly not even appropriate.
Looking at official documentation, it seems like class TaxonomyVocabulary is actually supposed to allow dynamic properties. We just didn't realize, as hook_taxonomy_vocabulary_load() isn't used anywhere in core. And there's no functional test for that hook, either.
Yes, I noticed these problems too, including the fact that the Rules are not working. Hopefully the maintainer will help with those problems. My "mission" was to just get the module to a point...
Posted1 hour 38 min ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
Hi @argiepiano I have installed the fork of the module, now it works, but there are 2 observations:
I have to create transaction types if I don't do it when entering any option...
willof, I have submitted a PR that will allow you to install the module. Can you please check it?
You'll need to patch the module BEFORE trying to enable it.
Posted5 hours 4 min ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
Taxonomy vocabularies and PHP 8.2 - needs direction / decision.
Core support for PHP 8.2 is on its way. In a previous pull request, we decided to check for property existence in function taxonomy_form_vocabulary_submit() to prevent arbitrary form item values to bloat the object, but it turns out, that's not sufficient and possibly not even appropriate.
Looking at official documentation, it seems like class TaxonomyVocabulary is actually supposed to allow dynamic properties. We just didn't realize, as hook_taxonomy_vocabulary_load() isn't used anywhere in core. And there's no functional test for that hook, either.
Issue #6197 provides more info.
The decision has notable impact on contrib modules.