It turned out that this is not a “term”, but a “page”. Ok.
If this is a content type like “News”, it is logical to use the pattern
where "news" is a list of all news,
and “news/some_news” is a separate news item.
I don't understand why you use [node:book:url:path].
And then, what do you have written in the "URL settings" of this page, and why you can’t just edit this URL in the "URL settings" of this page?
(I always use [node:created:raw][node:nid]
to receive more beautiful and unique addresses. Recommend to everyone.)
Under Form Settings > Advanced settings
Yes, for Authenticated users only. Though I wonder (I haven't had need so haven't tested) if the other option to automatically save as draft...
Posted2 hours 40 min ago by Martin Price | System Horizons Ltd (yorkshirepudding) on:
A fix was put into 1.29.3 which should enable you to do an in place upgrade, and so no need to use FTP. It fixed a problem we found with upgrading at
Open your theme folder,
the file lists the scripts (and CSS) connected to the theme:
scripts[] = myscript.js
(see docs
I think you have this problem or
Solution: add to your Views page /hirek Contextual filter "Global: Null".
And use a...
Check what the real synonym for this term
Perhaps you have an error in the synonym pattern
url pattern: [node:book:url:path]hirek/[node:title]
It turned out that this is not a “term”, but a “page”. Ok.
If this is a content type like “News”, it is logical to use the pattern
where "news" is a list of all news,
and “news/some_news” is a separate news item.
I don't understand why you use [node:book:url:path].
And then, what do you have written in the "URL settings" of this page, and why you can’t just edit this URL in the "URL settings" of this page?
(I always use [node:created:raw][node:nid]
to receive more beautiful and unique addresses. Recommend to everyone.)
I think you have this problem or
Solution: add to your Views page /hirek Contextual filter "Global: Null".
And use a Canonical URL for all pages, which will help eliminate duplicate content for search engines.
Two questions:
There was a bug with CKEditor 4 when the base paths of pages were duplicated for multisite installations. See
But this was fixed for CKEditor 4. Perhaps now this is a problem with CKEditor 5? Let us know.
Hungary site, this Hirek = News
Sorry bad translate, google translator
google serach console