You'll need to provide a lot more information for people to help you. Is this on hosting or local? What steps have you tried to install? Have you unzipped the package? Is your DNS pointing to the right folder? Is your virtual host file correct?
virtualhost *:8080>
documentroot /var/www/backdrop
<Directory /var/www/backdrop>
AllowOverride All
allow from all
There is now a module to help with this.
The module allows site editors to select a custom color to display on revisions of nodes, much...
As for the sidebar breakpoint, check core/modules/layout/css/grid-flexbox.css. You should avoid editing the values there, as they will be overwritten next time you update core. Instead,...
Posted1 day 12 hours ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
Hi @Newsmalik.
You'll need to provide a lot more information for people to help you. Is this on hosting or local? What steps have you tried to install? Have you unzipped the package? Is your DNS pointing to the right folder? Is your virtual host file correct?
virtualhost *:8080>
documentroot /var/www/backdrop
<Directory /var/www/backdrop>
AllowOverride All
allow from all