You'll need to provide a lot more information for people to help you. Is this on hosting or local? What steps have you tried to install? Have you unzipped the package? Is your DNS pointing to the right folder? Is your virtual host file correct?
virtualhost *:8080>
documentroot /var/www/backdrop
<Directory /var/www/backdrop>
AllowOverride All
allow from all
And if I implement things in this manner, is there a parent-child ajaxian form demonstration (ala taxonomy creation)?
Not sure exactly what you have in mind, but all layout settings forms are...
Posted16 hours 31 min ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
Further to this, I see too many issues using Taxonomy to do what I want. So I'm considering how to make a similar situation with config_set variables.
I see config_del is...
Hi @Frisius
This is the latest thinking:
Once you've had a look feel free to ask further questions.
Posted1 day 17 hours ago by Martin Price | System Horizons Ltd (yorkshirepudding) on:
Hi @Newsmalik.
You'll need to provide a lot more information for people to help you. Is this on hosting or local? What steps have you tried to install? Have you unzipped the package? Is your DNS pointing to the right folder? Is your virtual host file correct?
virtualhost *:8080> servername documentroot /var/www/backdrop <Directory /var/www/backdrop> AllowOverride All allow from all </Directory> </virtualhost>