Hi @dyrer, I've just updated one of my sites from Backdrop 1.29.0 to version 1.29.1, using the built-in update functionality at the page admin/config/system/updates. I was able to update without problems. Can you provide more details about your case?
Thanks, I see! So you're trying the same method as I did. At the moment, I don't have ideas why it should fail on your site. Maybe have a look at the database log (admin/reports/dblog)?
Hmmm, from D7 ancient tomes:
from https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/7056/limit-which-roles-can-view-a-node-basing-on-its-content-type
yet https://docs.backdropcms.org/api/...
I also note on this screen:
"Furthermore note that content which is not published is treated in a different way by Backdrop: it can be viewed only by its author or users with the...
I am seeing via dpm debug that the nodes that are authored by someone else are not even being interrogated at the view level; they are simply avoiding the hook_node_access call.
Yet the...
One suggestion would be to "fail early". It looks like if the user does not have the organisation field set, none of the other code matters.
if ($role == "organisation") {
$u = user_load($...
Great, willowf! Glad to help.
Yes, posting on the issue queues is the way to go. What you saw here doesn't always happen :) stpaultim and I caught an interest in this module since it was...
Posted14 hours 6 min ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
Hi @dyrer, I've just updated one of my sites from Backdrop 1.29.0 to version 1.29.1, using the built-in update functionality at the page
. I was able to update without problems. Can you provide more details about your case?Hello,
I am trying to update using built-in update, same method as previous updates.
Thanks, I see! So you're trying the same method as I did. At the moment, I don't have ideas why it should fail on your site. Maybe have a look at the database log (