Hello, I have installed the EU Cookie Compliance module and it gives me an error when saving the configuration: editor field is required, although they are fine. I see that I get 4 forms error when there are only three.
Tronico I am not seeing this problem on a test installation. Is it version 1.x-2.26.0 that you have installed? If so, please tell me more about the configuration settings you tried to save, preferably in the module's issue list referenced above.
I have already seen where the problem is, it is in the form of the option for mobile phone, which by default is hidden, the editor is opened and sealed, then I close it and it no longer gives error.
I will try it on a new installation to see if it gives me the same error.
Thank you.
In a new installation it does not give editor error since by defector all forms take an editor. But on my site that comes from a migration of Drupal 7 if that gives me the error, I will do more tests when I migrate another site.
Posted4 days 14 hours ago by Martin Price | System Horizons Ltd (yorkshirepudding) in Weekly Meetings
Recent comments
Hello @NumerousHats,
I agree with your assessment. I am looking into this situation right now.
The root of this problem is that Backdrop CMS is implemented on top of a "stack" of...
Posted1 day 22 hours ago by Graham Leach (Graham Leach) on:
I just installed a Backdrop CMS site with version 1.27.0. I then used the user interface to download and update Backdrop CMS to 1.30.0.
After starting the update process, and on the...
I believe my permissions are set up correctly, as I can install modules from the UI. But for whatever reason, I can't update them.
I will, however, double check against that documentation.
I'm not sure if this is helpful, but here are pages in Backdrop documentaion about server level permissions.
Just ran into this issue while upgrading modules on a site I'm setting up.
I'm confused.
Does this mean that /modules needs to be owned by www-data? (Not just that www-data...
I am a maintainer for this module and will take a look as this problem. Perhaps you could add it to the issue list at https://github.com/backdrop-contrib/eu_cookie_compliance/issues please?
Have you considered using the alternative module called GDPR Cookies?
Tronico I am not seeing this problem on a test installation. Is it version 1.x-2.26.0 that you have installed? If so, please tell me more about the configuration settings you tried to save, preferably in the module's issue list referenced above.
I have already seen where the problem is, it is in the form of the option for mobile phone, which by default is hidden, the editor is opened and sealed, then I close it and it no longer gives error.
I will try it on a new installation to see if it gives me the same error.
Thank you.
In a new installation it does not give editor error since by defector all forms take an editor. But on my site that comes from a migration of Drupal 7 if that gives me the error, I will do more tests when I migrate another site.