Hello, I have installed the EU Cookie Compliance module and it gives me an error when saving the configuration: editor field is required, although they are fine. I see that I get 4 forms error when there are only three.
Tronico I am not seeing this problem on a test installation. Is it version 1.x-2.26.0 that you have installed? If so, please tell me more about the configuration settings you tried to save, preferably in the module's issue list referenced above.
I have already seen where the problem is, it is in the form of the option for mobile phone, which by default is hidden, the editor is opened and sealed, then I close it and it no longer gives error.
I will try it on a new installation to see if it gives me the same error.
Thank you.
In a new installation it does not give editor error since by defector all forms take an editor. But on my site that comes from a migration of Drupal 7 if that gives me the error, I will do more tests when I migrate another site.
Thank you, olafski
I had already done that, but switching languages wasn't tied to whatever layouts were needed.
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I am a maintainer for this module and will take a look as this problem. Perhaps you could add it to the issue list at https://github.com/backdrop-contrib/eu_cookie_compliance/issues please?
Have you considered using the alternative module called GDPR Cookies?
Tronico I am not seeing this problem on a test installation. Is it version 1.x-2.26.0 that you have installed? If so, please tell me more about the configuration settings you tried to save, preferably in the module's issue list referenced above.
I have already seen where the problem is, it is in the form of the option for mobile phone, which by default is hidden, the editor is opened and sealed, then I close it and it no longer gives error.
I will try it on a new installation to see if it gives me the same error.
Thank you.
In a new installation it does not give editor error since by defector all forms take an editor. But on my site that comes from a migration of Drupal 7 if that gives me the error, I will do more tests when I migrate another site.