Hello to all,

permisssion please for another question... it is not about how to render a webform (itself) as block, but rather if (and how...) it is posible to include another (reusable) block into a webform?

I started with adding a markup component to the form, but I don't achieve to "fetch" the desired block.

As always: Thanks a lot for any help!

Best regards

Accepted answer

I can't give you a sample; I ditched my PayPal account when they started attacking free speech organisations in the UK.

But this page here:


I think you'll probably be able to get an HTML snippet that you can add to your site wherever needed, whether in a custom block or in a markup component in a form. 

Most helpful answers

I would probably use Stripe for payments but don't have any with payments yet. I'm building a site for a non profit with a Donate button but it goes to CAF bank where the donation form is.

Hi Z4N8r

Permission granted ;-) But feel free to ask any questions; there is no quota!

I don't think this is possible but please could you tell us more about what you would like to do and why a component is not suitable for this?

AFAIK there is no way to embed a block within the form within the UI. It may be possible to create with a separate module, but I don't know how.

If you explain the use case a bit more, we may be able to suggest alternatives that would work.


Hi Z4N8r

Permission granted ;-) But feel free to ask any questions; there is no quota!

I don't think this is possible but please could you tell us more about what you would like to do and why a component is not suitable for this?

AFAIK there is no way to embed a block within the form within the UI. It may be possible to create with a separate module, but I don't know how.

If you explain the use case a bit more, we may be able to suggest alternatives that would work.

Hi yorkshirepudding,

thanks a lot for your reply!

My use case is the simple paypal donate block that should appear within the webform. I doubt this is useful information, but I have no idea what elso I could tell you?

Best regards



If you add a markup component but use a Raw HTML format I would think you could add the PayPal donate snippet . Is that not the case?

That's exactly what I tried to do first... I copied the module's output from the source-view and pasted it into the markuup component... obviously no good idea  ;-)

What "snippet" do you mean and where do I get? I have not started any campaign on paypal, which seems not to be necessary if using the donate module.

Thanks a lot for your support!


I can't give you a sample; I ditched my PayPal account when they started attacking free speech organisations in the UK.

But this page here:


I think you'll probably be able to get an HTML snippet that you can add to your site wherever needed, whether in a custom block or in a markup component in a form. 

Thank you, I had not found that link before... it helps. Awesome support!


"when they started attacking free speech organisations in the UK": I didn't know about this. Which alternative do you prefer? (maybe here's not the right place to discus this...)



I would probably use Stripe for payments but don't have any with payments yet. I'm building a site for a non profit with a Donate button but it goes to CAF bank where the donation form is.