I don't think that functionality exists for Backdrop's Feeds. Best way to find out is to post a question in the Feeds Github issue queue, so that the maintainers can respond.
Hi Rob, luckily you can add contexts in Layouts and there's a context for whether it's a CiviCRM admin page or not. Then you can have one Layout for just CiviCRM admin pages and a separate...
Thanks @argiepiano, that did the trick!
For anyone else trying to build a form that enables selection of webforms with block capability, this is the answer:
//return array of webforms...
The actual query would look like this (untested):
$query = db_select('node');
$query->addField('node', 'nid');
$query->condition('node.type', 'webform');
$query->join('webform', '...
Posted13 hours 54 min ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
Two routes to do this:
Load all webform nodes (as you are doing) and then loop through the array of nodes and check if $node->webform['block'] is TRUE. If not, remove the node...
Posted13 hours 58 min ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
I've never imported comments with Feeds in D7. How do you do that?
Never done it in Drupal7 either, but from D7 to D9
I don't think that functionality exists for Backdrop's Feeds. Best way to find out is to post a question in the Feeds Github issue queue, so that the maintainers can respond.
An upgrade from D7 to Backdrop will include the comments by default, unless you have opted to do a migration manually instead.
If so, have you tried Migrate?