A common use case is how to access and use the image library.
Images may be thought of as content, yet when you go to admin/content there are pages to manage content and even files, but not images and the image library.
This can be a difficulty for newcomers, especially those from Wordpress.
So where is the image browser?
Looking at the Backdrop documentation, "Using Backdrop" at https://docs.backdropcms.org/documentation/using-backdrop there is a page on working with files, https://docs.backdropcms.org/documentation/working-with-files but no page on working with images and the image browser.
This prompted me to open an issue, https://github.com/backdrop-ops/docs.backdropcms.org/issues/238 and @stpaultim explains, the image browser is not really a thing. He added a couple of links to open core issues including a meta issue on images and the issue Views: Provide a new "File browser" display type started in May 2024.
While the need for the image browser is apparent the solution is not so apparent.
Through this time of searching, I had seen the meta issue along with some useful tutorials or solutions.
A good example is the tutorial to implement a custom file browser by @argiepiano, https://forum.backdropcms.org/forum/implementing-custom-file-browserpicker through which a side issue ermerged:
A minor annoyance: the dialog has the title "Select from Image Library". That title is, unfortunately, hard-coded in file_managed_file_browser_open(). Perhaps I'll create an issue for this. It'd be easy to pass the title within $form_state.
I haven't searched that side issue.
There is also the filefield_sources module and the file library, and also the IMCE module.
What solutions can help people find and use the image browser with Backdrop managed files and field uploads?
Another related item is, https://forum.backdropcms.org/features/allow-access-image-library-core-hero-block with issue https://github.com/backdrop/backdrop-issues/issues/5739
This is reminiscent of the Drupal 7 media module development.
You can't just upload or delete files as you please, because files depend on entities with a file field. Therefore, there is no image browser as such (available only for the field), there is no point in it. What could be the problem here?
I can’t say anything about additional modules for creating a “library”; there was no need (for me).
UPDATE: Now I see, that you CAN delete and upload files to Backdrop (this is not in Drupal 7), and for the following reasons I was never interested Files.
Is not clear to me - if I delete an image directly (/admin/content/files), my content will remain without proper design (a post or news for example). Why allow file deletion directly rather than via a file field? And I also don’t understand why the file can be uploaded outside of the field. How to use it? Uploading an image via files and then adding it to the publication field via disk search is too time-consuming.