Check if there's a dev version of Content Access for Drupal 7 which includes a 7104 update hook -- sometimes ports are done from the dev versions which are ahead of the most recent release.
That's a bug in Backdrop's content_access. Can you please create an issue in that issue queue?
You can fix that temporarily...
Posted2 hours 25 min ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
Try adding to your Views page /hirek Contextual filter "Global: Null".
And use a Canonical URL for all pages, which will help eliminate duplicate content for search engines.
Developer Meeting
Friendly reminder, that #5927 (Make Backdrop core compatible with PHP 8.2) is still waiting for a final review. A lot of review has happened already last month.
82 changed files are a lot, but on the other hand, the majority of changes are trivial.
(Maybe to motivate a bit: Debian Bookworm, which has been released this month, ships with PHP 8.2 by default.)