Above the error messages, I see the success message "No hay actualizaciones pendientes" (There are no pending database updates). Can you try to click on the "Informe de estado" (Status report) link and check if your Backdrop version is up to date?
It would also be interesting if the Status report page says anything about pending database updates.
Try adding to your Views page /hirek Contextual filter "Global: Null".
And use a Canonical URL for all pages, which will help eliminate duplicate content for search engines.
It turned out that this is not a “term”, but a “page”. Ok.
If this is a content type like “News”, it is logical to use the pattern
where "news" is a list of all...
@izmeez, not to my knowledge.
I just now searched and found a newly released BookMadeSimple module that might make that possible. I'll try it in a sandbox and report back.
I don't have a quick answer for you, but at times like this I would check the following:
stpaultim, thanks for the quick answer, now i see that those files are not present in the "hero" folder, i will try to find them
Above the error messages, I see the success message "No hay actualizaciones pendientes" (There are no pending database updates). Can you try to click on the "Informe de estado" (Status report) link and check if your Backdrop version is up to date?
It would also be interesting if the Status report page says anything about pending database updates.
Thanks Olafski, it updates to 1.14 but i did not pass the "Run updates" step because the error. let me find the missing files to see what happend