Today I tried enabling a module that was already installed (Discount Coupons). Immediately after that my website justs displays a compeltely blank page. There is no way to either view content, or to log in to the admin section).

I've had similar problems with Backdrop in the past, and always been able to find instructions online for fixing them, by changing some database entries via PHPmyadmin. Foolishly, I didn't keep a copy of the instructions, and today I don't seem to be able to find them by searching.

Any clues as to what can be done to restore access to the site, without having to revert to a backup?

Many thanks.

Accepted answer

Finally tracked down the instructions I needed...

I had to manually clear several cache tables before the site would reappear.


If you have access to the database, then look for the system table, find the module and set the 'status' field to 0.

Alternatively, if you have command line access and you have installed Bee then you can use bee dis module_name replacing module_name with the machine name of the module.

Thanks for your help. I can update the status for the particular module. But that doesn't restore the website.
I believe there are some other table entries that also need to be corrected, but I just don't recall what they are. 

Can you please create an issue in the issue queue of the faulty module? Was it uc_coupon