So the word is that the Token Module has been incorporated into core. That's great, but...
- There doesn't appear to be a Token feature in the modules list to either enable or disable; so I assume it's always turned on? I don't know...
- Whereas in D7 there were numerous "helper functions" wherein I could look up the right token to use in a given field or instance, in Backdrop these are often nonexistent. Is there a helper module for this?
As a kind of half-coder/half-builder, I feel a little left out here. What happened to the fairly excellent Token Assistance that was there in D7?
Don't get me wrong: I'm a die-hard Backdrop enthusiast, but there seems to be a dropping of the ball here...
Where can I get the Token information that I need? Where are tokens thoroughly documented? Please help.
My current situation: I want to pass a parameter (an argument) to a view in the Views Field. I have child nodes containing node references to the parent node in which I have a views field, but the UI in the field setup says "Enable the Token module to see a complete list of tokens that may be used as arguments." —Okay, I assume this verbiage is a carryover from a D7 version of the Views Field module, or something. But of course there is no Token module, so I am at a loss as to how to format my entry in order to pass the NID of this parent node to the View. I've tried %nid and [nid]... No joy.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance. —Eric
PS: the links provided at appear to be broken (no longer existent) so some editing in that documentation might be in order...
The screen that @klonos is looking at can be found in BackdropCMS out of the box (no modules to enable or settings to configure). Here are my steps:
1) I went to and spun up a fresh site
2) I went to the configure settings for the Page content type: admin/structure/types/manage/page
3) Near the bottom, I clicked on the "URL Alias Pattern" tab and to the right I was able to "Browse Available Tokens."

Another place you can find tokens right out of the box, with Backdrop CMS core is in the "Accounts emails" settings - admin/config/people/emails
If you are looking for tokens somewhere specific and can't find them, let us know.