I just noticed that I cannot open, edit nor create content that has Paragraphs in it. 

Only receive this message:

Fatal error: Cannot make non static method EntityInterface::entityType() static in class ParagraphsItemEntity in /home/XXXXXXXXXX/public_html/modules/paragraphs/ParagraphsItemEntity.inc on line 612

Core is 1.13.2

Paragraphs is 1.x-1.0.1

PHP is 7.2

Can somebody point me please in the right direction...?


Accepted answer


Hello @pepemty sorry to hear of your paragraphs woes.

I was unable to replicate the problem:

gff ~/code/backdrop-ops/parabacktester/web () 
└─ $ ∴ lando.dev drush pml |grep paragraphs
     paragraphs_bundle_permissions      module      disabled      1.x-1.0.1 
     paragraphs_i18n                    module      disabled      1.x-1.0.1 
     paragraphs                         module      enabled       1.x-1.0.1 
gff ~/code/backdrop-ops/parabacktester/web () 
└─ $ ∴ lando.dev drush st;
 Backdrop version         :  1.13.2               
 Site URI                 :  http://web           
 Database driver          :  mysql                
 Database hostname        :  database             
 Database port            :  3306                 
 Database username        :  backdrop             
 Database name            :  backdrop             
 Backdrop bootstrap       :  Successful           
 Backdrop user            :                       
 PHP configuration        :                       
 PHP OS                   :  Linux                
 Drush script             :  /usr/local/bin/drush 
 Drush version            :  8.2.3                
 Backdrop Drush           :  1.0.0                
 Drush temp directory     :  /tmp                 
 Drush configuration      :                       
 Drush alias files        :                       
 Install profile          :  standard             
 Backdrop Settings File   :  ./settings.php


In this test case I added a content type, a paragraph type, and added a paragraph reference field to the content type.

The paragraph type had one field on it of type number.

Perhaps it is the combination of fields in your paragraph type?  Can you tell us the fields on your paragraph type in the hopes that we can replicate and solve this issue?

Hey @serundeputy...!

Thanks for your reply.


1. This site I started building  in fall 2018, so Backdrop has been updated a few times now.

2. I found this issue in the forum and thought it might be related: Problem: rules module breaks site on backdrop 1.13.0.

3. I have several content types, 3 of them use Paragraphs and all 3 are failing: can't open the page, can't edit it and can't create new ones.

  • 3.1 - One of these content type use 2 paragraphs: and image and a text with a link
  • 3.2 - Another uses 5 paragraphs: text as an epigraph (sorry, English is not my native language), image, table, text and text with and image.
  • 3.3 - The third content type uses the very same 5 paragraphs as my second content type.

Hope this helps.

I surely appreciate your support.


Adding to my reply:

Just for the sake of it, I created a new content type with a few paragraphs with no hassle, but I can't open the form to create a new page.



Did forgot this issue. Thanks for the heads up, again.

Warm regards to everyone.
