willowf's picture

Hi guys, I have a very weird problem :)
After uploading from localhost to the server, I have had problems installing modules or updating.
I get a 500 AJAX error.
Well I have looked at it, and found this route within the hosting
C: \ xampp \ tmp

I can't delete it, yesterday I managed to change the name to FTP and delete it, but today it is there again.

Within this path the modules that I try to install from the admin are saved.

Any ideas?


The file or directory does not exist


klonos's picture

Hey  👋

Can you please check what the value of the "Temporary directory" field is under Configuration → Media → File system (admin/config/media/file-system)? ...I'm assuming that it's hard-coded to C:\xampp\tmp.

Then perhaps also check the system.core.json file in your active configuration. Look for the file_temporary_path key/value, and fix that.

willowf's picture

thank you | thank you |thank you :)

Solved, I can now install modules.
Something else I learned today from the wonderful backdrop 

PD: I hope after my self-taught training to start contributing with my own modules.