@melp57 - I'm sorry, but I think I would need additional information to be of any help with your situation.
Please, provide a little more detail about how far you get in the installation process when you get this error? The more details you provide, the more likely we are able to help.
I can't get passed the second page where checks are made to ensure you have the correct components, even though I have the correct version of php and mysql, as well as apache2 server. Php and web server are the only 2 not checked off.
Ah... I did not know that.
Thank you for the info/explanation. I would really like the ability to be able to generate travel distance in real time, but not if I have to go back to Drupal...
Posted1 day 10 hours ago by (john@delinuxco.com) on:
@laryn: Thanks so much for your prompt reply. This is my first BD migrate, so I may have other questions as silly as this one :) Much is familiar, while other things are done differently, or...
You can create a universal Views page that will display all user entries.
1. Create new Views page, of Content.
2. Page settings – Path: blog/%
3. Contextual filters - Content:...
Hello. Why I proposed /blog/[node:author:uid]/[node:created:raw]
1. The path will really look short and unique, like /blog/1/1741172018 (beauty in the eyes of the one who looks),
@melp57 - I'm sorry, but I think I would need additional information to be of any help with your situation.
Please, provide a little more detail about how far you get in the installation process when you get this error? The more details you provide, the more likely we are able to help.
Is it possible to provide a screenshot?
I can't get passed the second page where checks are made to ensure you have the correct components, even though I have the correct version of php and mysql, as well as apache2 server. Php and web server are the only 2 not checked off.
Can you add a screenshot of that whole page into a reply?