@melp57 - I'm sorry, but I think I would need additional information to be of any help with your situation.
Please, provide a little more detail about how far you get in the installation process when you get this error? The more details you provide, the more likely we are able to help.
I can't get passed the second page where checks are made to ensure you have the correct components, even though I have the correct version of php and mysql, as well as apache2 server. Php and web server are the only 2 not checked off.
Can you come to office hours on Wednesdays? People there are super helpful, and it would be so much easier to troubleshoot if we can see you file structure etc.
Posted3 hours 59 min ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
Looking at it, it works with the file entity so doesn't directly update the database but updates the file entity which in turn updates the relevant tables.
Posted6 hours 32 min ago by Martin Price | System Horizons Ltd (yorkshirepudding) on:
@melp57 - I'm sorry, but I think I would need additional information to be of any help with your situation.
Please, provide a little more detail about how far you get in the installation process when you get this error? The more details you provide, the more likely we are able to help.
Is it possible to provide a screenshot?
I can't get passed the second page where checks are made to ensure you have the correct components, even though I have the correct version of php and mysql, as well as apache2 server. Php and web server are the only 2 not checked off.
Can you add a screenshot of that whole page into a reply?