ghalusa's picture

On the "Step 3: Upgrade the Drupal site" page, it states:

"The machine names of the layouts must match between the Drupal 7 theme and the Backdrop Layout Template used during the upgrade(defined in settings.php)."

How is the layout Backdrop Layout Template set in settings.php (what's the key)?

My goal is to set Boxton as the Node layout template during migration, as opposed to the out-of-the-box Simmons template. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Olafski's picture

My goal is to set Boxton as the Node layout template during migration ...

@ghalusa, I also don't know about the settings.php definition. But is it necessary? You could also change the template after the migration, via the user interface. Example for the Default Layout: change the template at admin/structure/layouts/manage/default/configure.

As far as I know, if your current Layout template has blocks in regions that are not available in the new Layout, they will be assigned to the last region of the new Layout, and you can move them afterwards.