Hi. I just upgraded a test site to 1.11.0.
Nice features. Backdrop is looking better and better.
However, there are a couple of issues I am seeing.
The new color module in the theme settings is not showing the preview. The whole preview area is just blank white.
I think it's great that there is now a Rich Text Editor File Browser. I am getting the new library selection dialog when I click on the image icon in ckeditor, however when I click on an image it does not select it and when I click on the insert button, the dialog goes away and the image is not inserted.
I have tested with firefox 56.2.0 and chrome 59.0.3071.115 on FreeBSD.
Thanks @barney,
Can you tell us what version of Safari you are using?
I've created an issue for the problem youve reported as well (https://github.com/backdrop/backdrop-issues/issues/3295) but the version information would really help us diagnose and resolve the issue.