Greetings all, I am new to Backdrop, in the planning and testing a migration from D7 to Backdrop.

My site uses a map of about 400 locations on a map on the front page. It currently uses clustering to make the map look half way decent when zoomed out, then shows the individual markers when zooming in closer.

I can't seem to find any way of doing this in Backdrop, does anyone have any suggestions?




I was about to share the same link:

This is my site. I was going to create a screenshot of the place where you enable clustering. But, I can't find it. Makes me think that clustering may be mandatory with this module. (Although I am pretty sure there is a way to disable it.)

I'll get back to you on this.

This tutorial walks through the process of building a map like this, but does not address clustering. I hope to update that blog post, once I find more information.

Ah, found it. The Leaflet module comes with a submodule called "Leaflet Markercluster". 

You enable or disable clustering by enabling or disabling this module.