Hello, I'm posting this again under a new heading as I did not get any response first time around! I could do with some help please.

Hello, I've just installed XML sitemap and trying to set it up.

I'm trying to edit the default list for my site and get the message:

'There are currently no XML sitemap contexts available.'

I get the same message when I try to add a new XML sitemap.

How do I add a context?

Any help to set this up would be much appreciated.




Hi Rob

I tested on my site and this does seem confusing.  I googled and found this link which is relevant:


I think as that discussion alludes to the User interface would benefit from being clearer.  I'll ping the maintainers on the chat channel.

Rob, I did a little digging and it looks like that message is confusing since way back.

"There are currently no XML sitemap contexts available." is *not* an error message. Just continue to press Save and you'll get it to work.

See also: 

If you have a suggestion on how to clarify what that means, I think it would be great -- please file an issue in the queue. And/or add an "Initial configuration" page to the Wiki and begin to flesh it out.

Spitball: If you've enabled XMLSitemap node you may also need to enable it per content-type that you want to be made available to the sitemap?

Thanks @yorkshirepudding and @laryn

The Problem is I don't really know how this module is supposed to work and how to set it up and use it. I've included it in the content types I'm targeting. When I try and edit and save, as suggested above, I'm back to the list. When I click on the list I get a 404 error. 

I don't know if this is just my lack of knowledge with the module or if these problems are bugs.

Basically I just need simple documentation to help and explain this to me!



EDIT: I've managed to get it it working. I checked the status report and it revealed the problem. I needed to set the permissions 'view user profiles' to allow anonymous users and bingo it works!

Hello @robcoppard,

I am also a strong advocate for better documentation.

Everything starts with humble beginnings.

I would appreciate it very much if you could  post any "notes" you generated regarding how you got the XML Sitemap module up and running here.  Equally, it would be great if you could dash off anything you noticed in terms of what the XML Sitemap module promised to do, but ultimately failed to deliver on.

@all - if there is some resource out there where these observations can be concentrated (not the module issues queue, please) that would be a great thing to know about.  BCMS documentation is obviously a huge mountain to climb,  especially considering the massive technical debt that D7 has developed in that regard.

To my mind, module Documentation occupies its own unique dimension and namespace, and needs to be humbly approached with great respect and caution. 

On a positive note, I have also observed that Documentation is one of the best ways for a middling to highly complex technology to accelerate and facilitate its mass adoption.


Right, I agree Graham I was a bit premature thinking I'd got XML Sitemap working!

So I'm testing on a test site to to see what works and what doesn't. I'm documenting this as I go along.

So this is where I've got to:

  • Go to: Functionality >> Install new modules >> search xmlsitemap and add to installation queue and install and enable module and dependencies.

  • Go to: Reports >> Status report and you should see a warning to set the 'view user profiles' permissions. Click on the link and enable the permissions for anonymous users.

  • Go to: Configuration >> Search >> XML Sitemap >> list

  • Click edit and you will get a confusing message: 'There are currently no XML sitemap contexts available.' which is not very helpful! Simply click on the save button and you will see the default list for your site. Click on the URL to take you to the sitemap.xml file where you should see the content you have included listed.

  • To add nodes to sitemap.xml:

  • Go to: Configuration >> Search >> XML Sitemap >> custom links >> Add custom link

  • add the path to the node leave the priority and change frequency defaults as they are and save.

  • Then back to admin/config/search/xmlsitemap and highlight the sitemap.xml and click the Update button to update cached files and your new node should be added to the list in the sitemap.xml file.

  • Note: if you don't see your new node listed, check the node has XML sitemap included.

I'm having problems removing nodes from the list. I'm going back to the node and setting it to excluded and clearing caches and updating sitemap.xml but no change.

Not sure if this is a bug or I've just not hit on the right way to do yet!

I haven't anymore time to work on this today but hope to look at it over the weekend.




Here's some additional notes to your notes:


The XML sitemap module installs the following sub-modules:

  • XML sitemap
    • XML sitemap custom
    • XML sitemap engines
    • XML sitemap internationalization
    • XML sitemap menu
    • XML sitemap node
    • XML sitemap taxonomy
    • XML sitemap user


The XML sitemap module requires the following modules be installed and active (enabled):

  • Internationalization

  • Language

  • Locale


  • Log in as Administrator

  • On the Administrator main menu

    • Click on "Functionality"

  • On the "Modules" page

    • Click on the "INSTALL NEW MODULES" tab

  • Search for "Internationalization"

  • On the "Internationalization" result

    • Click on "Add to installation queue"

  • Search for "XML sitemap"

  • On the "XML sitemap" result

    • Click on "Add to installation queue"

  • Click on "INSTALL" at the right of the screen

  • On the "Select versions" screen

    • Check "Perform updates with site in maintenance mode"

    • Click on INSTALL

  • The system will notify you that the Internationalization, Language and Locale modules need to be enabled (downloaded + installed + activated) before the XML sitemap module can be enabled.

  • A progress bar will fill onscreen

  • The system should report success


  • Log in as Administrator

  • You may notice a red notice bubble on the Administrator menu

  • On the Administrator menu

    • Click on the red notice bubble

  • You may see the following messages:

    • "Cached files have not been generated yet"

    • Anonymous access to user profiles"

  • To resolve the "Cached files have not been generated yet" warning:

    • Run cron manually

      • Hover over the "Home" icon in the Administrative menu

      • Click on "Run cron"

  • To resolve the "Anonymous access to user profiles" warning

    • Hover over "Configuration" in the Administrative menu

    • Hover over "User Accounts"

    • Click on "Permissions"

    • On the "Permissions" screen

      • Look for the "User" Permission

        • Look for the "View user profiles" sub-Permission

        • Check the "ANONYMOUS" column checkbox 

        • Scroll to the bottom of the screen

        • Click on "SAVE PERMISSIONS"


  • Log in as Administrator

  • On the Administrator main menu:

    • Hover over "Configuration"

    • Hover over "Search"

    • Click on "XML sitemap"

  • On the "XML sitemap" screen

    • Look for a {FQDN}.sitemap.xml entry in the table

    • If there is an entry in the table

      • Click on "Edit"

    • On the resulting "Edit XML sitemap" screen

      • Click on "SAVE"

      • You will be returned to the "XML sitemap" screen

      • The message "The sitemap has been saved" will display

  • On the "XML sitemap" screen

    • Click on the "CUSTOM LINKS" tab

    • Click on "+Add custom link"

...here is where I stop because I don't even know what a custom link is or why I would even need one.

...Rob, can you recount your experience using this base document please?

  • Then back to admin/config/search/xmlsitemap and highlight the sitemap.xml and click the Update button to update cached files and your new node should be added to the list in the sitemap.xml file.

  • Note: if you don't see your new node listed, check the node has XML sitemap included.

I'm having problems removing nodes from the list. I'm going back to the node and setting it to excluded and clearing caches and updating sitemap.xml but no change.

Not sure if this is a bug or I've just not hit on the right way to do yet!

I haven't anymore time to work on this today but hope to look at it over the weekend.

