abqgman's picture

I have installed this extension and PHP status page shows the extension.

However I am unable to use the Project installer - this is the message as below:

Sorry, it seems that the PHP .zip extension is not loaded on your server. You will not be able to download any projects using Project Installer until this is fixed. Please contact your website administrator.

Curiously, the status page does not show zip . . .

What am I missing?

Most helpful answers

Thanks for the follow-up @abqgman! That is a strange problem. I wonder, when you ran update.php were there updates that were needed for your system? Or did the updater tell you that no updates were necessary?

If the latter, then what Backdrop needed was to have it's caches cleared - as those are cleared automatically when visiting update.php.

Hmmm . .  after posting this, I ran update.php script for the site I was having trouble with - although I am not sure I understand why this was necessary as the extension is to PHP and update.php is to just one of my sites on the server - "wheird"), but just for S's & G's, (Sh**s & Grins), I ran it anyway - and the problem has resolved.


Hmmm . .  after posting this, I ran update.php script for the site I was having trouble with - although I am not sure I understand why this was necessary as the extension is to PHP and update.php is to just one of my sites on the server - "wheird"), but just for S's & G's, (Sh**s & Grins), I ran it anyway - and the problem has resolved.

drop's picture

Thanks for the follow-up @abqgman! That is a strange problem. I wonder, when you ran update.php were there updates that were needed for your system? Or did the updater tell you that no updates were necessary?

If the latter, then what Backdrop needed was to have it's caches cleared - as those are cleared automatically when visiting update.php.

This was actually a brand new BD install. What was peculiar is that the BD PHP status page showed the extension installed when viewing at admin/reports/status/php, but viewing admin/reports/status/ does not. Your assessment iseems correct - seems like a cache thing.

The next time I do a BD install, I'll be on the lookout for the behavior and update here with my exact steps if I am able to reproduce. Thanks for the reply.

Install PHP bz2 (Bzip2 module for PHP) module too.

I have same issue with new backdrop install

php-zip seems good

$ php -m
[PHP Modules]
Zend OPcache

[Zend Modules]
Zend OPcache
ls -l /etc/php/7.3/apache2/conf.d/20-zip.ini
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 35 Aug 13 12:29 /etc/php/7.3/apache2/conf.d/20-zip.ini -> /etc/php


# php --ini
Configuration File (php.ini) Path: /etc/php/7.3/cli
Loaded Configuration File:         /etc/php/7.3/cli/php.ini
Scan for additional .ini files in: /etc/php/7.3/cli/conf.d
Additional .ini files parsed:      /etc/php/7.3/cli/conf.d/10-mysqlnd.ini,

and my report from

Backdrop CMS 1.13.3

Base de données SQL  MySQL, MariaDB, or equivalent version 5.5.5-10.3.15-MariaDB-1

php  Version 7.3.4-2 (information PHP)

Prise en chage de MySQL Database 4-byte UTF-8 Non activé more

Serveur web Apache/2.4.38 (Debian)

Accès à update.php Protégé

Affichage des messages d'erreur désactivé more

Bibliothèque Unicode  Extension PHP mbstring

Droits d'accès au nœud  désactivé (Reconstruire les droits d'accès) more

Effets de rotation et de désaturation de la bibliothèque GD  2.2.5

Extensions PHP Activées : date, dom, filter, gd, hash, json, pcre, pdo, session, SimpleXML, SPL, xml


jenlampton's picture

Hi everyone,

It looks like we have some problems relating to the php zip extension, so I have opened a core issue to get it fixed: https://github.com/backdrop/backdrop-issues/issues/3978

Please feel free to weigh in there if you believe there is anything I've missed or if you have something else that the core team should know.

Hi Backdrop team!

Well, after a couple of COVID years focusing on datacenter solutions; we're moving work back into the software solutions side of the business, so last week I spun-up another BackdropCMS instance to begin work porting over from Drupal 7. I can confirm the original issue I reported in 2018 is still a problem, but I can also confirm that the workaround solution suggested ( I think by herbdool?) to run update.php also, still works.

How do I know this - I had long forgotton the issue, so when I ran into again, I googled it and came to my own BackdropCMS forum post. Duh!

Just an FYI - I wanted to keep the issue alive - like Sam Walton's dog - "Gone, but not forgotten".

Members of the core team are asking for any additional information or if possible step to reproduce the problem. If you are experiencing this problem, please take a look at this issue in Github and if possible provide us with additional information. 


Hi stpaultim,

Running update.php does indeed fix the problem. Perhaps that is a result of that script clearing caches as "drop" reported above?

When I install a new BD, I generally install many commonly used modules and a theme at the same time without running update.php.

When I installed BD this time (by the way, we do this in a Hyper-V VM):

  • I did not clear caches after BD install
  • Installed many common contrib modules (one requiring zip and I forget which one that was) all at the same time using the BD module installer
  • This requires many passes of the BD installer because of dependancies, so I do that . . .
  • After the module requiring zip installs, I get an error reading that zip extension is not installed.
  • Running update.php then resolves the error and life goes happily on from there.

As for why only a couple of us have ever reported the problem, perhaps it is simply a procedural thing in that I don't think about running update.php after a clean install of BD, or when using the BD module installer.

If I remember correctly, with Drupal, it was recommended to run update.php after every module install, but using the BD module installer, I just assumed update.php was being run, so I no longer do that - perhaps that's a clue?

Hopefully, this helps, I would have to setup another BD instance to get more detail, I wasn't paying that close attention at the time I did this one.

This is related to PDO. I just had the same situation happen with a fresh Backdrop CMS install on Tiny Core Linux with only mysqli enabled.  The issue went away when I :

1) Installed the missing components 2) Enabled the correct extensions in php.ini (pdo, mysqlnd, pdo_mysql) 3) Re-started the httpd process to force it to re-load its PHP environment g. ----