and-e-h's picture

Hi all,

I've ported the current version of the Drupal FileBrowser module which provides support for simultaneous multiple file uploads via the Plupload module. It is presently in use on a musicians' collaboration site, no issues reported thus far.

Get it here ->

A manual install will be necessary.


klonos's picture

Thanks for that   🙏

Care to file an issue in if not already done so? That way, the port can be reviewed and eventually added to the official Backdrop contrib group. The benefit of that is that each release you create in the GitLab repo will also create a release node in, which in turn will allow the module to be listed in the Project Browser/Installer (so no manual installation required).

Let us know if you need help with any of that.

and-e-h's picture

Thanks klonos! :)

I'll get that done, once I've tidied up the port's code. Correct indents and comments.