Hello there, I was editing an entity form and an error message popped up (sorry I cannot remember exactly what it was as I closed out of it fairly quickly - something about a database object). After that error screen popped up every time I try to load backdrop it cannot connect, it keeps trying to connect but never does. I have some other endpoints on the same server and they work fine it just appears to be everything in the backdrop directory is unresponsive. Anyone have anything they think might be the issue here? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Accepted answer

I figured it out, I will post the solution here for posterity: I ran out of storage space on the vm that was hosting my site, so the mysql server couldn't start. Added some space, partitioned it, extended the file space available to /tmp/ and it works like a charm now.


Do you terminal access with bee or drush to clear all caches?

I figured it out, I will post the solution here for posterity: I ran out of storage space on the vm that was hosting my site, so the mysql server couldn't start. Added some space, partitioned it, extended the file space available to /tmp/ and it works like a charm now.