
I had some issues with  Basic cart and I thought I had managed to solve them, but there is still one:

After emails to admin and user are sent, no Basic cart order is created.

And there are some errors in the log:

Warning: Undefined array key "basic_cart_checkout_country" in function basic_cart_checkout_form_submit() (string 625.../modules/basic_cart/basic_cart.cart.inc).

Warning: Undefined array key "basic_cart_checkout_county" in function basic_cart_checkout_form_submit() (string 625.../html/modules/basic_cart/basic_cart.cart.inc).


Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in function basic_cart_get_total_price() (string 197 .../modules/basic_cart/basic_cart.cart.inc).


Thank you for any help.

