I'm building my first site with BackdropCMS (thank you everyone). I created and edited a standard non-home page, called "Movies", which is working and has a nav-menu item on the home page. I needed a list of 7 movies with images, so I added a "custom block" for each Movie item on the page, and edited each one manually. This was my simple way to get content to display. The Movies page is working properly. Now I'm adding a second non-home page, called "Books". But the Books page is a clone of the Movies page -- different title/nav-menu item, but same content. The Books page is showing the Movies.    I don't think I need someone to fix my broken pages -- unless you know what the problem is. I'd like to learn why, when I create a new page from the Admin-Content menu, it shows up pre-populated with Movies, instead of empty of content? Thanks.

Accepted answer

I got it all working, @yorkshirepudding, thank you so much.  A couple notes for my fellow Backdrop CMS newbies: 

  • Paragraphs are not part of CKEditor, nor are they blocks. 
  • Once you have created your Paragraphs -- reusable, repeatable, reeditable sections of HTML -- they can be embedded in pages, as many times as you like.
  • When you are editing a Paragraph-enabled page or other content, a drop-down appears on your editing page allowing you to select Paragraphs to be inserted onto the page.  Paragraphs can be inserted multiple times.
  • Paragraphs are very cool. I hope my descriptions are accurate here. 


Hi @RichardTE - Welcome to Backdrop.  I think you've added the blocks to the default layout template rather than to the page.  You can create layouts that define a page and you can create layout overrides that can map to one or more actual pages.

Without knowing exactly what you're trying to do, it may be that Paragraphs will give you the functionality you need.

You could add a type of video field (there are a few modules depending on your need), an image field and text to a paragraph type.

You can then add as many paragraphs of whatever type you need to a page.

  • Can I remove my (Movie) blocks and any other modifications from my default layout template, restoring the template to original? 
  • Can these item blocks be added to a new layout template called list-page-layout? 
  • Then can I create new list pages (Movies, Books, etc.) from my new layout template? 

If this logic looks correct, then I'll work on it. I will also try adding the paragraphs for my list items. I'm using CSS to style the list items, which I'm comfortable with.  Thank you @yorkshirepudding.

If you go Structure > Layouts on the admin menu; find the default menu, then click the little drop down arrow next to the button that says Manage Blocks and you should be able to select Revert Layout.  On this page you can also create a new layout template that shows up on the pages that you filter.

Add `node/%` to the path field and save. Then add your visibility conditions and any blocks.

Paragraphs is a module you install through Functionality > Install modules

Great. Glad you're getting there.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) is Office Hours day where you can get live help over a video call if you still need help with anything.

See https://backdropcms.org/news/events and click on the first Office Hours link for the times in your timezone.

I got it all working, @yorkshirepudding, thank you so much.  A couple notes for my fellow Backdrop CMS newbies: 

  • Paragraphs are not part of CKEditor, nor are they blocks. 
  • Once you have created your Paragraphs -- reusable, repeatable, reeditable sections of HTML -- they can be embedded in pages, as many times as you like.
  • When you are editing a Paragraph-enabled page or other content, a drop-down appears on your editing page allowing you to select Paragraphs to be inserted onto the page.  Paragraphs can be inserted multiple times.
  • Paragraphs are very cool. I hope my descriptions are accurate here.