In Ubercart, when setting Product display, there are several price types:

  • Display price
  • List price
  • Cost
  • Sell price

What is the purpose of these different prices/cost and how to use them correctly.

I would greatly appreciate it if someone in the know could explain this, but I think the information will also be useful for anyone who wants to set up an e-store with Backdrop and Ubercart.

I also think it would be helpful, if not already done, to create a section in the help information in Backdrop website with at least a basic introduction to using Ubercart and basic store settings.


  • Display price
  • List price - The Recommended retail price or manufacturers recommended price
  • Cost - your cost price... it's only displayed to users with permission
  • Sell price -- the price you sell the product at.

I'm in the process of converting the extensive Drupal/Ubercart documentation over to Backdrop/Ubercart. Here is the work in progress.... Hope this helps.

I am reading the documentation from

It is very useful! Thank you!

However, there are minor inconsistencies with terminology from later versions of Backdrop / Ubercart, where some terms and names have been changed.

For example, Catalog as a vocabulary in the taxonomy is not "Product Catalog" but only "Catalog".

If you want I can post notes about other such minor fixes or even add sections that may be useful but are missing, but I don't know how to do it. Here in this forum topic the topic will be diluted, maybe it's good to make a separate topic just for this guide.

Yes, it's the first draft so there will be lots of revisions... Please share your notes :-)

Thanks a lot for the quick reply. I'm familiar with the Drupal 7 guide you quoted, but it's of limited use because there are differences in how Ubercart works in Drupal and in Backdrop, and also the Drupal 7 guide itself doesn't answer all questions, it's not comprehensive, and it seems itself was not finished, and we find it in the process of creation, which was discontinued at some time. Therefore, I wish you success in writing an introduction to the use of Ubercart for Backdrop - this would, in my opinion, be extremely useful for the distribution of Backdrop to more users because e-commerce is becoming more and more desirable for site owners, since in recent years the users themselves and visitors have learned to work with e-shops and prefer them if there is such an opportunity, and the Covid quarantine has helped to make this happen faster.

I am starting to read your manual carefully and will try to help you by directing your attention to questions that users encounter when working with Ubercart.

As a former educator myself, I believe that learning content is more easily created in response to specific questions of real users than for an abstract audience.

Thanks again and good luck!


Hi..., Thank you... all help greatly received :) Agreed, eCommerce is a must-have Backdrop resource... and my aim is to bring the Ubercart doc's up to date and, fingers crossed, make it easy for site creators and site owners to use.  

Well done, that's excellent news!

I believe that this new site will be useful to many people. It would be nice if, in addition to a Ubercart tutorial, the site also has a forum related to working with Ubercart – where registered users can ask questions and offer ideas improving Ubercart, offering modules for Drupal's Ubercart (there were at some time since the time of D5 many Drupal UC modules) that can be converted or replicated  to Backdrop CMS.

At first glance this seems engaging, but the problem is minimized by the fact that with a high probability some forum users would be answering questions from other users.

Thanks... Yes, I had plans for all of your suggestions :) Great minds... and all that :) I've been pondering for a while about the domain name, and with the .dev... it goes perfectly with my plans of adding extra resources i.e. other UC modules and tutorials etc...