Hi I have a drupal 7 E-commerce website and was wondering what all options are available for backdrop commerce solutions. Are there any doc resources on this?
Thanks, and glad to see someone take initiative to support the little guy!
PHP Openssl is missing perhaps?
I know you've stated that it's there, but if it's having issues loading for any reason, it will fail with updates.
Try doing a phpinfo(); call to check...
It seems that the redirect behavior either was or can be overridden with Rules.
We were able to keep people on the same page by creating a rule that sends them back to the original page...
Ah... I did not know that.
Thank you for the info/explanation. I would really like the ability to be able to generate travel distance in real time, but not if I have to go back to Drupal...
Posted4 days 5 hours ago by (john@delinuxco.com) on:
Check out this topic and add your thoughts and comments there.
Thanks for sharing bro.