I accidentally clicked on something in here (forum) and started to get mail about many topics I never signed up for.

Yesterday I un-followed everything, but still get mail regarding various topics - weird.

Then I noticed that in my account profile I am signed up for hundreds of topics in 'email settings', and I apparently have to 'disable' every single one - one at a time.

There have to be some way to 'bulk' disable these without closing profile and starting over with a new profile. Help please.


Hi @Egmund

It looks like you have disabled them all, but are going to get subscriptions for any new topics which you may not want.

Go to the bottom of a screen within a topic within the particular category you are subscribed to and look for this link. Click it.


I have raised an issue about this as it would be good to make it easier for people to both follow a forum category and unfollow a forum category.

I did this already - and kept receiving mail anyway.

'By accident' I saw in my profile a long list of topics I somehow have 'accumulated' in 'email settings'. 

It is the 'email settings' in my profile I am talking about. No way of disabling them all, so it seems I have to disable them one at a time - ridiculous.

I've checked and you are only subscribed to this topic at the moment. I will update the ticket.  I think what is happening is:

  • when you follow a forum, it subscribes you to existing topics and new topics
  • when you unfollow a forum it unsubscribes you from new topics but not the existing topics

If we can't easily change that behaviour, then what we probably need is Views Bulk Operations to bulk unfollow subscribed topics.

Sorry for the inconvenience

Thank you for clarifications.

I just checked my profile and now all are 'disabled' as well. Apparently there is a lag of about 24 hours between Forum Topics and Profile Email.