If a user it directed to a page which requires login, I would like to either redirect the user to the login page or add a login block to that page. 

There are Drupal 7 modules to accomplish this. What do we have for Backdrop at this time (either in Backdrop CMS core or in contrib modules)?

Accepted answer

OK, I found the 'Redirect 403 to User Login' module:


This does exactly what I was looking for. 

(Posted this as @klonos was posting an information response. Thanks Gregory). 


klonos's picture

Hey  🙂

I have just tested setting the default 403 page under admin/config/system/site-information to point to user/login, and it seems to work for me (make sure to clear caches).

Could also be done by creating a custom theme template I guess, but I've never tried it. You can check other resources online, like https://www.drupal.org/node/15366.

klonos's picture

Fair enough, this module also adds the fancy feature of redirecting the user back to the page they were trying to access, after the have successfully logged in. So 👍